Cnmo Council of Nigerian muslim organisations, (cnmo) united kingdom

The month of Rabi' Al-Awwal is important to Muslims and provides another opportunity to reflect on the role and behaviour of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Mankind. Let us remember the virtues of the Prophet and emulate his teachings of unity, humility, and compassion to inspire us to be better Muslims to our brothers and sisters. May Allah bless and continue to ease all our affairs.

Cnmo members organizations

1. Al-Bushrah
2. Al-Hudaa Prayer Group Hackney
3. Al Muhsinoon Islamic Centre, Manchester
4. Ansarul Lah Mission
5. Ashaada Islamic Mission
6. Ar-Riddoh Organisation
7. Assalatur-Rahman Islamic Association (ARIA) UK 8. Islamic Prayer Group & Community Center (IPG&CC) UK
9. Jama-at-ul Islamiyya of Nigeria (UK)
10. Jammu'yyah Allahu Mujeeb Islamic Society UK 11. Jamiyyat Lutfillahi
12. Jamiatul Rasul Association Of UK
13. Jamuhiyyat TAQWAH UK (At-Taqwah) 14. Muslim Association of Nigeria (MAN) UK
16. Nigerian Muslim Forum (NMF) UK
17. NIMAC Welfare Trust Coventry
18. NIMAB Welfare Trust Birmingham
19. Zumratul Mubarak


Acct. Name: Council of Nigerian Muslim Organisations Sort Code: 20-80-57 Account: 10373737